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  • Eco Pure Luxury Organics

Can Yoga Cause Your Skin To Glow?

Beautiful, supple, glowing skin is what perfection is made of. Ever wonder how the beauties on celluloid flash great skin all the time? Yoga can be one of your secret weapons to keep a constant glow on your face. Yoga asanas can be not only the path to an open relaxed mind and body.... but also to gorgeous flawless skin.

I found all this out single handedly. I was not looking for a yoga practice, but it found me.

You see, Yoga is a management system for life, and it is the most holistic approach to life you can ever come across. It strengthens, tones, enriches circulation. It works on the body, mind, and soul. But it is only one component of the five actions of an ancient Ayurvedic Rejuvenation system called PANCHAKARMA.

As a matter of fact, I just returned from this week long cleanse and rejuvenation system. Panchakarma, or the five actions, is an Indian Ayurvedic Cleansing process that addresses mind, body, and spirit. Yoga is an integral part.

Panchakarma has had a spectacular impact on my life.

It consists of a week long mono diet, then after a review of your systems by an Ayurvedic doctor a treatment plan is set up.

Yoga positions,  pranayama, oil massages, sweating out toxins, baths, shirodhara and other methods are prescribed - all created to balance your inner and outer energies and bring you back into harmony.

It has personally CURED ME from Arthritis symptoms, and I have never looked back. Because of my swift action in finding this ancient medicine system, I averted the usual rabbit hole of Pharmaceuticals that do not cure but manage symptoms at the expense of your liver, kidneys and expose you to other risks I was not willing to take. Let’s be clear- these drugs do not cure you.

My gentle kundalini yoga practice encourages proper blood circulation, which, in turn, improves the skin as it feeds the cells the required nutrients and flushes out toxins. The downward facing Mudras,  reduces dullness and clears acne, imparting that stunning youthful glow. Seeing results are truly inspiring.  I suggest you take a look the possibilities pranayama and yoga can have. They may just add to the  glow on your face.



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EcoPure Luxury Organic is a brand dedicated to providing high-quality, eco-friendly skincare products. Founded and owned by a woman, with over 30 years in the skincare and makeup world. The brand emp

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