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  • Eco Pure Luxury Organics

Choose Love...Again and again.

Updated: Sep 29, 2022

Today’s post is about how we can lovingly reclaim some of ourselves. How we can start to recognize the pressure we have been living under and let it go. In this slow down can we trust ourselves and the infinite universe?

Lets imagine it all works out perfectly. By the time this is over, we will:

1. Know our family better.

2. Realize we are more than our job title.

3. Have cleaner houses.

4. Have read a book we have been meaning to read- or finished one.

5. Create new life mantras.

Now this is something I want to explore with you.

Whether you realize it or not, we all have default programs that play in our head.

This one on one goes on all day. It is the most important conversation you have. It is the one that shapes your life. It is the one that determines outcomes. It is the very fabric of the filters you view your world through. This is what you call the “real world”

I personally have put great effort into waking up from ”The default program “

It can be running other people’s voices and scenarios that will NEVER HAPPEN!

Becoming aware of the little phrases you take on - especially trendy catchy sayings - these tiny critters can really reek havoc!

I have been taught to choose my own destIny by choosing my own healthy conversations.

One of my mentors Florence Scovel Shinn taught me these phrases I input into my mind are like seeds that will sprout and grow. Either for your betterment or determent.

I would love to share some. I have been know to post them on my bathroom mirror, in my office, set them as a calendar reminders daily on my phone- like a pattern interruption.


“Life is working on my behalf”

” This too shall pass”

” Love is the strongest force on Earth”

” I have what it takes”

Steph Curry’s favorite is right out of the Bible

”I can do ALL things”

He actually has the scripture number printed on all his NBA retail products like sneakers etc. 4:13 It’s his “code”.

Some of you would say this is silly- and thats okay

I say “try it”

You would be shocked that the most accomplished people in the world use this and other “silly” tactics to become better and “MENTALLY SELF DIRECTED”

It is a giant leap to start to recognize this default conversation in your head. if you are not aware of your programming- media and the like will gladly keep you lulled into theirs.

A few weeks ago an old book of mine fell off the shelf “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz.

Its been in my collection for years- but I know from experience when the Universe drops a book- reread it!!! But I did something better- I purchased the audio on Audible - best 8 bucks I spent!

It comes to life when you are reading along with someone, and yes, its meaning had a different kind of gravity for me now.

In these days of change, uncertainty and slowing down, today’s suggestion is spend time on you. Every time you do 💋 you are making the entire world a better place.

With Gratitude and Love,



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EcoPure Luxury Organic is a brand dedicated to providing high-quality, eco-friendly skincare products. Founded and owned by a woman, with over 30 years in the skincare and makeup world. The brand emp

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