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  • Eco Pure Luxury Organics

Choose Love. Stay Centered.

Updated: Sep 29, 2022

Wow. If you ever longed for adventure well maybe you’ve got it. Seriously this is an unprecedented time, and we are being asked to do and act in ways we never have before. The looming Pandemic COVID-19 has almost instantaneously changed our world and our lives as individuals, families, employee, students, service workers, Humans.

Now, I’m not writing this to reinforce the pain or amplify the struggle or uncertainty. I’m writing to Help remind us about some beautiful lessons and priceless moments found in these times.

As we all know - we get what we look for!

Lets take some time to check how we are framing this. Be careful about how we are choosing to look at this situation. Let’s take control back from the media. How we filter it is only going to become more and more important. Let’s ground our perception.

I want to share today a few ways to give yourself a break. To pivot your thinking; reframe and relieve some of the pressure. Pressure we may have let in unchecked. Let’s find some Beauty+Science=Love

Choose love. I would LOVE to hear your input!! Let’s see how long we can make this list!

1. Look for the opportunity. It’s there. Do you have older people in your life? It’s a great time to express in words and actions just how important they are to you. How you appreciate them and the wisdom and love they bring into your circle. Let them know you are taking actions to protect them.

Anyone who is social distancing at this time is showing love and care for every elder and immune compromised person- whether you have never met them. Know in your heart your social distancing and sacrifice if helping ALL people. Let love flow.

2. I personally am choosing to view this as The Higher Consciousness showing us how we really need to slow our lives down. Stop the multi tasking!!

Rushing to work, late in traffic, running the kids to practice, picking up dinner on the fly, eat, homework, bed...up again at 5:30am doing it all again. Who do we think we are???

This adrenaline fueled lifestyle is actually addictive to your brain, as well as corrosive. It’s true addiction. According to The Harvard School of Public Health.

These stress chemicals corrode your memory, your heart, they effect your gut.

When these stress chemicals are missing, your brain sends signals something is wrong. That is why some of us are having a tough time of it. We have shortened our ability to focus or concentrate on one task or sit still. We actually need to relearn how to focus for periods of time. Advice: Make yourself be still...5 minutes at a time. Meditate? Admire nature. Breathe. Use your breathing 4HOLD6 slowly for 5 minutes of conscious breathing. Feel the balance of body chemicals. Feel the Bliss. You May feel a bit euphoric. Its a strange surge of energized relaxation. Try it.

All of this slowing down is also having world wide effects. So I have heard you can see blue sky in China!! Think of how healing that must be to each person living there to see a sky again!! Late night someone sent me a heat map of the lessening pollution over Europe with everyone off the roads! The Earth maybe healing too! Stay Optimistic and cozy. Please send me your ways of finding advantages or silver linings at this time of change.

Thanks for reading!

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Eco- Pure Luxury Cares for You and the Planet.

EcoPure Luxury Organic is a brand dedicated to providing high-quality, eco-friendly skincare products. Founded and owned by a woman, with over 30 years in the skincare and makeup world. The brand emp

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