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  • Eco Pure Luxury Organics

How It Happened For Me

Updated: Sep 29, 2022

I’m writing this as a perspective.

I hate the word NO - Nobody wants to be told what to do and what not to do…rather it became a natural transition to want to change. I began to understand the impact of my “Hand me down”..mindless lifestyle….my mom cooked and we ate. The trust was implied and unquestioned.

That was many decades ago…..How we thought, how we dressed and our food choices in a post WWII World that quickly turned to the Disco era. Why would you question it? An Oreo was an Oreo. Aunt Jemima and Tide was as American as Wheaties and The Green Giant, Wonder Bread, Jiffy, a Coke and a Smile.

Life is good and choices in lifestyle and food choices are almost made FOR us. Micky D's White Castle....French fries and a Shake with that Burger!! American!!!

Does a fish question the water he is surrounded by? I was busy too getting through school and getting my career going.

But recently, as I was exposed to this new information, it became apparent that my inherited diet and lifestyle, the food I grew up on, the way I thought needed to be updated. As with all new research and revelations…life needed an update to the operating system.

I started to realize old world/last generational thinking plus mass marketing of corporate food messaging was leading me down the wrong path.

It happened suddenly. They say when the student is ready - The teacher appears…..

The documentaries on Netflix got me thinking. First I watched “Forks Over Knives”... incredible information. Who knew about healing your body with whole food plant based diet?????

You mean I have a choice over the 2x a day Plaquenil I was taking for my joint aches? You mean I didn't need to risk my liver and possible detaching retinas? You mean the possible long term kidney damage I am facing for a drug that is NOT a Cure - but an ongoing ritual.....could be replaced by HEALING MY BODY??? NATURALLY???


I was amazed, Dr. Colin T. Campbell and his research studies showed irrefutable evidence on preventing and even reversing disease??? Turning off cancer genes with food ?!?!

WOW I was so intrigued I watched it 3x. This was nothing you ever see on normal TV. This information was astounding to me. Cardiologist Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn showed vessels in the body reopening without surgery, I had to have more.

I quickly independently researched the work each of these individuals, it was true???? IT WAS!

Then I met Kip Anderson, no not in person, but thru the compelling documentary called “WHAT THE HEALTH” and this one blew me away.

Now, I am a cancer survivor, and this one rang my bells!

It just floored me as to how much MIS-INFORMATION is out there and is perpetrated by the very organizations that are supposed proponents and defenders of the victims of the diseases!

I was feeling betrayed by the very institutions I had looked to for help. And to see how they handled Kip- without care or feeling. They cared more about protecting their misguided “Politically Correct” income producing message!!!

Man, I was in a daydream thinking for years they would actually look out for us, and not pander to Big Agg, and Big CORPORATE FOOD. Poor & innocent I was……dazed and confused.

I watched this one way more than 3x and took copious notes on each “Expert” who appeared on the film. I needed to see this for myself. After a wild ride of published scientific studies and reading Title, Authors and Affiliation, Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments, and Literature Cited…

Yup time and time again- KIP TOLD ME THE TRUTH.

Abstract after abstract, I was obsessed with the information at hand. Why was this not front page news? Why are we killing ourselves? How could this not be common information? Why is this not a focus of urgent CHANGE?

It struck me as tragic.

It’s all just a broad web, we don’t even know we are tangled in.

This type of meat and dairy based diet not only kills our loved ones, but the effect it has on both Earth and the Atmosphere of Earth is a head spinner. I can remember hearing “Cow Farts” are the biggest source of Global Warming. My first reaction was to think - “How crazy and over the top some people are- “ I thought they were seriously off their rocker, and it was a radical stretch saying such a ridiculous thing! But OMG- Reading the UN report on climate change- it was a real thing. As crazy as it sounds. METHANE GAS EMISSIONS FROM ANIMAL AGRICULTURE IS A SERIOUS THREAT.

ADD THAT TO Mowing down Rainforest acres to plant soy and GMO corn to feed these cows!

And Kip Anderson ties this into the movie perfectly. He shows how the animals we eat, are not only killing us, but consuming all our resources. Every pound of uncooked beef requires 2200 gallons of water to produce!!



By the time I was done with my own personal research, it was simple. Nobody needs to die by what I serve or eat. Not in the salon or in my home.


I learned so much.

I have accumulated many expert voices in my life to help me to build a strong structure of my "whys".

Heros like Dr. Neil Bernard, Micheal Greger, Colin T. Campbell, Kip Anderson, people at the front lines of truth.

I thank them.

I know why I believe and live the way I do. Its a new world.

Everyone has a personal path, I believe that path is what is right and comfortable for each individual person.

I loved sharing what I found out and would aways be here to help if needed.

My next post I will offer specific ideas to transition.

-With Love


Some links to get you to facts and resources noted in my blog:

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